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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Coupons...Is it Worth it?

How many people have seen the show Extreme Couponing?

How in the world do they walk out of the store with that much free stuff? I may not be an extreme couponer, but I have gotten stuff pretty cheap. I'll be doing a demonstration on how to get the lowest price for your household items.

Now you may have a lot of questions about coupons. Everyone sees the pages of coupons in the newspaper, but what do you do with them? 90% of  you throw them away. Well you just threw away money! It may not seem like it but that coupon will help you save money in the store. 

I have a lot of people ask where do you get your coupons? Most of the coupons come from the newspaper, but you can also print them out online at The thing is you can only print the same coupon twice. 


Above is a coupon example from coupons. com. You may print out this coupon twice per ip address. 

The trick to getting the lowest price is when the stores have sales going on. I like to shop at Kroger and Target. 

Kroger will have the Buy 4 Save $4 sale and if you combine that with coupons you can get the lowest price!
Image result for kroger sales

Target is also a good place to shop where I see most of my savings for household items. 
When target has a sale, I try to make sure I will get a gift card that I can roll over to my next transaction. ( I'll post a cheat sheet of coupon lingo at the end of post). Combining MQ with TQ from /coupons and the cartwheel app that they have available is amazing savings. 

I am by no means an expert at this! I suggest you join coupon groups on Facebook and Instagram. Also talk to your friends about getting into it with you. In today's society it doesn't hurt to save as much as you can.  A good thing to know is your store's coupon policy. You can go to the store's website and look it up. I always print it off and bring it to the store with me. 

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